
Search results

  1. Brent Richards – AEDE Job Market Candidate

    labor economics. In particular, he has been drawn to researching the role of noncongnitive skills ... when they reach ages 14 to 15. In his research, Richards found that hyperactivity at ages 7 to ...

  2. Jim Herron receives Young Jersey Breeder Award

    Jim Herron, a 2006 graduate of the dairy cattle production and management program, has been named ...

  3. SUSTAINS: Ohio State's Sustainability Learning Community

    Hnytka directs program management for the Environment, Economy, Development and Sustainability (EEDS) ...

  4. Global Climate Change Policy: Extractive Industry Impacts and Response

    on the Budget, and before that for USDA’s Economic Research Service. Dr. Hopkins received a PhD from ...

  5. Ohio Perspectives-Maps

    among politically defined geographic entities, townships, villages and cities are our units of analysis. ... than 50,000 residents. All of these decisions have drawbacks, but our overall approach is consistent ... with previous research (Audirac, 1999). The exurban “field” extends from the boundary of each of the ...

  6. Dave Richards: ONLA president is dedicated to the green industry

    problems,” Dave said. Prior to teaching, Dave served as product manager for nine years at Lake County Nursery ...

  7. 60th Annual College Recognition Banquet Features Many AEDE Winners Including Dr. Steven Vickner, Staff Member Janice DiCarolis and Several High Achieving AEDE Undergrads

    teaching AEDE courses focused on agribusiness management and marketing, Dr. Vicker also serves as the ...

  8. USDA: Record Corn, Soybean Forecast

    Farm Management ...

  9. Brandon Parks '13 Wins Design Competition

    selected the front of the historic homestead. At this point, they also decided that our students would be ...

  10. Carmen Help

    are many detailed functions to manage grades in Carmen. Please see  the detailed information about ...
