
Search results

  1. Profile- Herms

    Projects funded with GDSU assistance: NIFA ♦ $511,868 ♦ Strategies and Tactics for Long-Term Management of ...

  2. Write Winning Grant Proposals

    Research.   This all-day presentation is the cornerstone of Grant Writers' Seminars and Workshops ...

  3. Ohio 4-H Conference Registration Due

    learn together and from each other in order to improve our abilities to deliver the Ohio 4-H Program to ...

  4. In Memoriam

    was a 1985 graduate of Ohio State ATI and worked as a project manager for Patti Group of Novelty, ...

  5. 40th Annual Progressive North American Demo Boat Show

    Come out and visit the Ohio Clean Marinas Program and Ohio Coastal Management Program booth at the ...

  6. Evaluating Sources

    reliable and very useful for research. Opinions can be useful for a topic like "college ... professors' perceptions of facebook". Both can be used in research, but it depends on the paper topic. ...

  7. Scholarship Golf Outing Set for July 22

    important to our students," said outing organizer Frances Whited. "It can mean the difference ...

  8. CD Weekly Wire- June 3, 2013

    administering the ANR program and identify practices that our CD team might use to enhance the way we carry out ... our work. Of course, part of the challenge will involve me figuring out how to be in two places at ... land-grant commitment to our communities. One of the recipients is the Moms2B program, which Susan Colbert ...

  9. Records Management

    General Records Retention Schedule (General Schedule) accounts for the management and disposition of ... records—paper-based and electronic—they create and/or receive and are required to manage. Units must conduct an ...

  10. CD Weekly Wire- January 21, 2014

    our Strategic Plan into action. We listed 20 specific action steps that will require our attention ... annually) Align applied research with Discovery Themes Increase creative and scholarly outputs of ... Agriculture & Food Research Initiative's (AFRI) Agricultural Economics & Rural Communities (AERC) ...
