
Search results

  1. Efficiency, Equity and Farmland Protection: An Economic Perspective

    The purpose of this paper is to consider how economics as a social science may help organize our ...

  2. AEDE Undergraduate Students Participate in Commodity Trading Challenge

    risk managers and brokers. They also gain perspective on how the world of commodity trading affects ...

  3. Program

    Disparities in Economic Well-being and Their Significance for Research and Policy  Swank Guest Speaker: Neil ...

  4. Association of Ohio Recyclers 2012 Conference: Sustainable Materials Management

    for this year’s conference is “sustainable materials management” and attendees will include Ohio ...

  5. Parametric Bootstrap Tests for Futures Price and Implied Volatility Biases with Application to Rating Livestock Margin Insurance for Dairy Cattle

    We apply our method to test hypotheses that futures prices are efficient and unbiased predictors of ...

  6. Ohio State Agricultural Economist Offers 2013 Farm Bill Update

    a risk management program focused on the margin difference in the price of milk and feed. However, the ...

  7. Midwest Graduate Student Conference on Regional and Applied Economics

    platform for graduate students and post-doctoral researchers from a variety of Midwestern universities to ...

  8. Brent Richards – AEDE Job Market Candidate

    labor economics. In particular, he has been drawn to researching the role of noncongnitive skills ... when they reach ages 14 to 15. In his research, Richards found that hyperactivity at ages 7 to ...

  9. Jim Herron receives Young Jersey Breeder Award

    Jim Herron, a 2006 graduate of the dairy cattle production and management program, has been named ...

  10. SUSTAINS: Ohio State's Sustainability Learning Community

    Hnytka directs program management for the Environment, Economy, Development and Sustainability (EEDS) ...
