
Search results

  1. Spotted Wing Drosophila Management

    The Wayne County Extension integrated pest management (IPM) scouting program regularly monitors ... as soon after picking as possible. Research indicates that fruit quality is maintained and cold ...

  2. Manage for High Quality Corn Silage

    quality corn silage requires planning and management.  The goal is to provide an environment conducive to ... potential disruptions and plan solutions will pay dividends at harvest. The number one factor to manage ... overlap and weigh that plastic down, sealing the edges as well.  University research trials have ...

  3. Spot and Refer: Please Help Us Connect Students to Program Excel

    difficulty, but our goal is to connect with students before trouble occurs. We need your help to encourage ...

  4. A Minute for Mindfulness

    Medicine.  It is a researched-based program that offers pragmatic resiliency tools that can be easily ... preceding the discussion of mindful awareness of cognitive habits.  The research indicates a significant ... ultimately lead to our life as a whole.  If, we are constantly wishing for today to end, or this week to be ...

  5. Supplemental Forage Options

    fertilization. Annual ryegrass can be planted earlier in August, especially if soil moisture is present which ...

  6. Arbor Day Celebration

    practice our national Tree Campus USA recognition by establishing and sustaining healthy community forests, ...

  7. Challenges of Drying Higher Moisture Corn

    in the dryer leading to a greater potential for dryer fires. This can be managed in a couple ways. ... Resources Educator and may be reached at 330-264-8722. CFAES provides research and related educational ...

  8. Eric Tanner Accepts New Position at Marlington High School

    laboratory activities, while executing scholarly research during the summer months. His attention to detail ...

  9. Teaching Mini-Grants- Ohio Open Ed Initiative

    assist with adoption of our OOEC materials are available and applications are due in Mid-September. ...

  10. ATI alumna Hailey Kunath graduating with research distinction

    completing the requirements for graduating with research distinction from Columbus this spring. Her project ...
