
Search results

  1. Alumna takes the reins at the Ohio State ATI Equine Center

    Aspen Adams has joined the Ohio State ATI staff as the horse herd manager for the Equine Center. ... Adams is an alumna of the horse production and management program. As is the case with many Ohio State ... sales prep manager.  ...

  2. Assigning Research

    Here are some tips to improve students' research when assigning a paper/project requiring ... help: a librarian  can come into your class  and teach students about research skills, plagiarism, and ... citations you can reserve the library computer lab (15 computers) for a research class period, and ...

  3. Overdose Rate Tied to Jobless Rate

    the same time overdose deaths began to rise so sharply in the state. Researchers at The Ohio State ... a community economic development nonprofit; and Bo Feng, a Swank research associate. “We believe that it is ... researchers found. In 2015, the drug overdose rate for Ohio residents with just a high school degree was 14 ...

  4. Health and Safety

    University Police mission is to help provide a safe environment in which the academic and research missions ...

  5. Spring 2020- Kick it up a Notch: Next Level Management Series

    Leadership development for professionals who manage teams, departments, processes, or projects ...

  6. Chow Line: How to Carve Pumpkins Safely

    and Environmental Sciences and its outreach and research arms, OSU Extension and the Ohio Agricultural ... Research and Development Center. Send questions to Chow Line, c/o Tracy Turner, 364 W. Lane Ave., Suite ...

  7. Columbus Urban Farm Tour: Suburban Farmstead and Micro-Dairy Tour

    2018 Urban Farm Tour Brochure.  Click here  to read more on our website. The Columbus Urban Farm Tour ...

  8. Farm Bill Could Help Farmers Weather Low Milk, Other Commodity Prices

    said Ben Brown, manager of the farm management program in CFAES. Missing from the final bill is ...

  9. Dicamba Complaints Slowly Filtering In

    After dicamba is applied, it can turn into a vapor and move from the soil or surface of leaves, ... be applied, even if a grower follows all the directions, dicamba can still leave the surface of soil ...

  10. Ohio Maple Days

    operation. Sugarbush/Woodland Management Tips that Pay:   Your woodlands are a valuable resource. Learn how ... a professional forester can help you develop a woodland management plan to increase the benefits that you receive ... management concepts to improve the health and productivity of your sugarbush. Featured speakers include: Mr. ...
