
Search results

  1. Healthy People In-Service

    Two days of trainings on how to successfully host four of our state-level Healthy People programs- ...

  2. Healthy People In-Service

    Two days of trainings on how to successfully host four of our state-level Healthy People programs- ...

  3. Keep Important Papers Organized & Safe

    I was at a state meeting yesterday where some interesting research was shared.  In essence Duke ...

  4. Computer Hardware and Software Standards for OSU Extension

    Social Media policy Mobile Device Management University CIO Policy website Office of the Chief ...

  5. Dr. Bruce Harte to give Harris Award Lecture

    on-line MS in Packaging and broadly increased its research capabilities and outreach activities.  Dr. ... Harte was also associate Director of the School’s Center for Food and Pharmaceutical Packaging Research ... executive board member of the International Association of Packaging Research Institutes from 1993 – 2003.  ...

  6. Planter U In-service Opportunity

    Please save the date for our Planter U in-service opportunity on February 27. The following day, ...

  7. What will it be Today: Conflict, Compete, Collaborate?

    everything a competition. Or choose to work collaboratively together to further the goals of our ...

  8. Introduction to QGIS

    This class will introduce the freeware program QGIS that can be used by land managers to create ...

  9. ACEL Students Receive Academic Scholarships

    research of agricultural education. Recipient: Samantha Wander Ruth and S. N. McIntosh Memorial Scholarship ... These funds may be used for professional and research related travel, costs associated with data ... support graduate research and extension education. These funds may be used for tuition, professional and ...

  10. 2015 Dairy Project Leasing Information  Our office does not require these lease forms be turned into our office at this time, but it is ...
