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RAWE A. Broseus
219 Hello Jim, The times of our meetings for the RAWE program had to be adjusted to best meet ...
RAWE A. Broseus
219 Hello Jim, The times of our meetings for the RAWE program had to be adjusted to best meet ...
Abby Wolfe
a student research assistant. My hobbies include gardening, hiking, attending concerts, playing with my cat, ...
L. Simpson
219 Lisa Simpson Business Office Manager Ohio State-ATI 1328 Dover Road, Wooster, OH 44691 ...
Food-to-fork concept
Our students in the Ecological Engineering Society were featured in the Lantern for their work in ...
Dr. Andy Ward wins OARDC's 2013 Innovator of the Year Award
Dr. Ward's "two-stage" ditch design earned him the Ohio Agricultural Research and ...
K. Mancl
Subject: Re: Conference room Jim Please reserve Room 202 for 10 to noon for Friday May 1 for a research ...
Winter Solstice with a Candlelit Labyrinth Walk
December 18 from 5:30-7:00 pm, in our Lane Avenue Gardens. Discover what walking a Labyrinth does for the ...
FABE study shows fish from Lake Erie are safe to eat, despite algae bloom
a study from The Ohio State University. Researchers have finished one year of the study into how harmful ...
K. Buzard
Associate College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Research Services, 1680 Madison Avenue, ...