
Search results

  1. Hendrick Takes Over as Acting Vice President and Dean

    the associate dean for research and graduate education will start after Steve Slack, director of ...

  2. ENR 4000 Environmental and Natural Resources Policy

    Resources for finding information on legal topics:   Research by topic:  Opposing Viewpoints ...

  3. New gigs: Davis, interim OSU Extension director; Cochran, interim ACEL chair

    role and to continue supporting and leading the great work done across our state by Extension faculty, ...

  4. Alumni Spotlight: Dr. Rohini Mulchandani

    research needed for her doctoral dissertation, she worked in the lab at Vivian Hall (now a parking lot) ... Ensure. In fact, her doctoral research project was an extension of one of these Ross projects to perfect ...

  5. LGBTQ Mix, Mingle, and Munchies

    We encourage you to check our website frequently to stay informed of events in the community, as well ...

  6. Mill Creek Watershed Partnership

    has obtained a ODNR Coastal Management Assistance Grant to develop a comprehensive community ... Storm water Management Facility in Warrenville Heights, Ohio, by all watershed communities. 04110002 ...

  7. Beaver Creek Wetlands Association

    forests and prairies. BCWA promotes the use of these protected areas for education, research and ...

  8. Supporting Our Military & Veteran Students

    Navigating university and military life can be a challenge for veteran and enlisted students.  Find out what CFAES is doing to help. ...

  9. Maumee RAP

    Ohio requirements for a watershed action plan, with attention to the nonpoint source management ... measures of the Ohio Coastal Management Plan, and consideration of TMDL and Natural Resource Damage ...

  10. U. S. Rep. Bob Gibbs '74 to speak at 40th Commencement

    the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center in Wooster before venturing out on his own as ...
