
Search results

  1. OSUE Annual Conference

    Our three-day Annual Conference provides an opportunity for all Extension professionals to: Share ... and broaden their knowledge of the scholarship of Extension work and university research. Build ... relationships between Extension professionals and university faculty to foster expanded applied research ...

  2. New Blog Posts

    Submitted by Frances Whited, Buckeye Voices from Ohio State ATI, our student ...

  3. Spend or Save Tax Returns

    have between $9,000 to $18,000 in a “reserve” account to keep us going until our circumstances change.  ... learn many of their money management skills from us by just watching how we pay for things.  Help them ... together to accomplish our goals.  For additional information please contact the OSU Extension Office at ...

  4. Grain Marketing Webinars

    Central Risk Management Education Grant provided some funding support for this program.   The webinars ... of understanding and managing many pieces of information.  The webinars will cover various grain ...

  5. A Matter of Balance

    DO YOU HAVE CONCERNS ABOUT FALLING? This program emphasizes practical strategies to manage falls. ...

  6. Using BigBang AR app as an icebreaker

    getting their iPads).  In the fall our incoming freshman will once again be given iPads so that means ... almost all of our students will have iPads.  I'm working on some ways for them to be used in ...

  7. Groundbreaking for New Science Building at Ohio State ATI

    Research and Development Center. Pictured at the ceremony, left to right, are  Graham Cochran, ...

  8. Grain Marketing Webinar

    Central Risk Management Education Grant provided some funding support for this program.   The webinars ... of understanding and managing many pieces of information.  The webinars will cover various grain ...

  9. Grain Marketing Webinars

    Central Risk Management Education Grant provided some funding support for this program.   The webinars ... of understanding and managing many pieces of information.  The webinars will cover various grain ...

  10. Spring Floral Design Exhibition

    at 2:00 pm. Visit our floral art gallery to view the creative works of ATI’s talented floral ...
