
Search results

  1. RAWE A. Broseus

    219   Hello Jim,   The times of our meetings for the RAWE program had to be adjusted to best meet ...

  2. CD Wire- May 30, 2012

    week. For example, let’s not forget to appropriately recognize our NACDEP 2012 regional and national ... business of our usual work week. Congrats and best wishes to David O. Kelch, Associate Professor and ... procedure. Tri-State Research and Extension Grant Program Request for Proposals due September 30: Ohio State ...

  3. L. Simpson

    219   Lisa Simpson Business Office Manager Ohio State-ATI 1328 Dover Road, Wooster, OH 44691 ...

  4. Cuyahoga River Restoration

    shortly thereafter as a nonprofit organization, to enable funding to flow to support the work. Our ... American Heritage River Initiative, to coordinate efforts with our AHR partners to develop and implement ...

  5. DeviceReady Workshop Focuses on Business Online Marketing Strategies

    statewide can learn how to better manage their online presence to promote their businesses at a workshop ...

  6. Turbidity

    that can cause symptoms such as nausea, cramps, diarrhea and associated headaches. Soil runoff ...

  7. Give Now

    Extension fulfills the land-grant mission of Ohio State by interpreting knowledge and research developed by ... the university, the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, and other land-grant ...

  8. Sprucing up the Farm Science Review Site

    Conservation Area to stop erosion, said Garrett Nowak, the new site manager. Nowak was named to his position in ...

  9. CD Weekly Wire- October 15, 2012

    are typically much greater than if we were to work alone. In short, our potential for good depends ... relationships that have been fostered as a result of our programming partnerships. Once again, we have an ... opportunity to formally recognize an individual or organization for their contributions to our CD programs. ...

  10. Chloride

    softener discharge, landfills, irrigation drainage, animal manure and fertilizers, and industrial waste. ...
