
Search results

  1. Home Buyer Education: Reeb Avenue Center

    (280 Reeb Ave. Columbus, OH 43207). Our program is one of only a handful in Central Ohio that is U.S. ...

  2. Drought Resources

    Cattle and Forage Drought Information When drought conditions exist, they bring on management ... Corn Managing Drought Stressed Hay Fields Plan the Last Alfalfa Cutting Traditional Marketing May Not ... Management Considerations in a Drought Utilizing Drought Stressed Corn for Silage Drought? Stick to What You ...

  3. Studying Bacteria that Follow the Earth's Magnetic Field

    bacteria as “guys,” a casual term for his research subjects, probably because he’s been studying and ... researchers also want to control how fast magnetic bacteria swim from one point to another, using their ... novel magnetic bacteria-powered-micro-machines is still in the research and development phase, their ...

  4. Ohio State ATI experiences another year of enrollment growth

    production and management, and greenhouse and nursery management.   ...

  5. Home Buyer Education: Reynoldsburg

    (7240 E. Main St., Reynoldsburg, OH 43068). Our program is one of only a handful in Central Ohio that is ...

  6. Lunch and Learn: Go Wild, Go Native

    begin at 12 noon with a light lunch.  Cost for the lunch is $5.00. Our first topic will be: Go Wild, Go ... Native. Our Native plant expert Master Gardener Barbara Velez Barbosa will lead the program as we discuss ... The program will begin at 12:30 p.m. and last for one hour. Please call our office at 740-652-7260 ...

  7. Annie’s Project Retreat for Women in Agriculture

    agricultural risk management: financial, marketing, production, legal, and human resources. The participant fee ...

  8. CFAES Dean Named to State Livestock Care Standards Board

    administrative officer of the college and responsible for leading its education, research, service and outreach ... missions. Jeff LeJeune, a microbiologist and head of the college’s Food Animal Health Research Program, is ...

  9. Emeritus Profile: Fred Lendrum

    soils. Recruited by Norm Stanley, he joined the Ohio State ATI Agricultural Technologies division, ...

  10. Beef Library

    Beef Library Facilities Forages/Grazing Health Herd Management Marketing & Selling Nutrition ... Organizations & Associations Publications and Resources Reproduction and Genetics Waste Management ...
