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out our (food, then food preservation) to find the canning tomato fact sheet that ...
Cornish named NAI Fellow
Cornish, who holds the Endowed Chair in Bio-based Emergent Materials and is an Ohio Research Scholar, was ... one of two inductees — along with Vice President for Research Caroline Whitacre — from Ohio State in ...
Rations for Good Rumen Health
research at Ohio State and other universities has shown that you should have not much more than 30% starch. ... factors besides rumen pH that affect it. Good managers could reduce forage NDF down to about 18% (or ... in some of our trials with corn silage as the sole forage. Therefore, reducing forage below NRC ...
Bines to Steins-Ohio Hop Conference 2019- Columbus, Ohio
This conference will cover topics including quality, sensory analysis, maximizing yields, and more. ...
Take a Journey in the Outdoors
diminish the use of our senses, attribute to attention difficulties, higher rates of physical and emotional ... illnesses, and child and adult obesity. I’m guessing that many of us spend the majority of our days inside. ... attitude of gratitude with each pass. Stress has become such a part of our life that many have “just ...
New Video: Shelley Meyer asks you to Raise Your Hand for Ohio 4-H!
"raise their hands" to empower our nation's youth with the skills to lead for a lifetime. Help ...
Environmental Film Series- From the Ashes
Butalia, PhD, Research Assoc. Prof, OSU Dept. of Civil, Environmental, and Geodetic Engineering and Tim ...
Youth Program Update: Dairy Palooza and 4-H Dairy Quiz Bowl
a 2013 Dairy Palooza, and we may even include Quality Assurance training as an expansion to our ... the Ohio 4-H Dairy Program on Facebook or go to our website at ...
OSU Pollinator Summit: Our Threatened Bees- Columbus, Ohio
What threats do bees face, and what steps can we take to protect them? Join bee biologists, conservation experts, educators and citizen scientists for this daylong workshop on bee biology and conservation. More details to come, registration opens in Febru ...
Managing Stress
is and some tips you can use to better manage it. What is stress? It's a part of life. To ... and verbal or physical abuse. How can you manage the stress of farm life? There are several things you ... can do to help manage the day-to-day stresses. We realize sometimes these are easier said than done, ...