
Search results

  1. BQA Certification

    any and all opportunities that make our cattle more desirable to the buyer sitting in the stands. As ...

  2. A World of Oaks & Acorns

    wildlife and humankind.  A World of Oaks & Acorns   is on Saturday, January 12, starting at 3:30 in our ... Firelight Room. Sigrid Neilsen, author of  Native Oaks of the Greater Midwest, will be our featured ... to our Calendar.  Or, you can call the Visitors Center at 800-443-2937 to register.  I hope your ...

  3. 2015 Ohio Sheep Day

    The Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center and Ohio State University Extension present ... renovation, Sheep management, Equipment, Manure and composting, and Predator control. Registration includes ...

  4. Ohio Bumble Bee Queen Survey

    other common bumble bee species in the state (3) Add to our understanding of the factors that can cause ... bumble bee declines, like lack of flower resources and land use change. Researchers & Contact ... Information  Jessie Lanterman, PhD, post-doctoral researcher at OSU, Goodell Lab, ( ...

  5. An Afternoon of Hostas- 2/9/19

    Management”. Learn to identify and manage: virus X, foliar nematodes, and petiole rot on hosta. Bob Liames, ...

  6. Conversations on the Future of Extension

    of Ohio’s celebration in 2014 will be a year-long process focused on our future. The primary work ... Futuring and our Timeline A key step for the VP Conversation project was to identify the most challenging ... by the year 2035?” On August 5, our team hosted a Forum on Trends and Issues to refine and discuss ...

  7. Fall Women's Retreat- Highlands Nature Sanctuary

    on a quiet deck under the canopy of trees. This retreat offers something rarely afforded in our busy ...

  8. Ohio Invasive Plant Council Workshop

    open for our upcoming Ohio Invasive Plant Council (OIPC) evening program with the Franklin SWCD on  ...

  9. An Afternoon of Hostas

    Management”. Learn to identify and manage: virus X, foliar nematodes, and petiole rot on hosta. Bob Liames, ...

  10. Cooking Under Pressure

    Trying to keep up with our fast and busy lifestyles, it is hard to get healthy meals on the dinner ...
