
Search results

  1. 4-H’ers On the Road to History and Government – Presidential Inauguration in Washington D.C.

    Center, Chevy Chase, MD An exciting time in our country’s history comes every four years when the ... and history. A chartered bus will deliver us to the National 4-H Conference Center for our four-day ...

  2. What Will It Be Today? Conflict, Compete, or Collaborate

    conflict with others, or we can choose to allow conflict to make the positive changes within our ... goals of our organization. It's a choice we make, so what will it be today? Participants will: ...

  3. Agricultural Reflections

    mirror and you'll find the answer. Consumers are one of the most powerful forces in our economy. ...

  4. New Animal Disease Traceability Rule Announced by USDA

    systems for tracking animals that work best for them and their producers, while addressing any gaps in our ...

  5. An Investment to Build Upon: New “Dairy Freestall Housing and Equipment” Handbook Released

    Management, Feeding Facilities, and Utilities.  However, content in each section has more depth and has been ...

  6. Dairy Judging Team and 4-H Dairy Programming Updates

    OSU students.  Many thanks to all our loyal supporters here at home who have invested their time, ... The Ohio Holstein News covered our results with photos in their current issue.  However, here are the ...

  7. MarketView...U.S. Dairy Outlook Brief March 2010

    Margin Insurance product available to dairy producers.  Each of these programs provides a management tool ... Insurance or Price Risk Management. ...

  8. Global Collaboration Conference on Antibiotic Resistance Mitigation and Food Safety

    wellbeing of the human society.  The conference will promptly share innovative research, strategies and ...

  9. Ohio Fair Managers Conference- Junior Fair Day


  10. James L. Jordan of Williams County Receives the 2012 Charles Lifer Excellence in 4-H Award

    Lifer Excellence in 4-H Award winner, James L. Jordan, formerly our colleague in Butler County but now, ...
