
Search results

  1. Commercial Grape and Wine Workshop ~ A practical Approach

    for a daylong workshop and learn the basics of grapevine propagation techniques, vineyard management ...

  2. Hands-on Agronomy Education Nurtures Senegalese Farming Future

    research on site. An immediate problem the farmers face is the amount of time it takes to plant up to five ... only in Senegal, but across West Africa, enabling Africa to rely less on imports, and increase our ...

  3. Space Gardening?

    Ohio State Creates Food-production System for Future NASA Missions Food Engineers in our ...

  4. Ohio wine grape losses hit hardest in Northeast Ohio, but still plenty to drink.

    "Ohio grape growers – the spark of our fast-growing, $500 million wine-tourism industry-- are ...

  5. MarketReady for Wineries, Grove City, OH

    Building Management & Financial Capacity To register, request a registration form by emailing Christy ...

  6. E. Ozkan

    Research and Development Center 1680 Madison Avenue | Wooster, OH  44691 330-202-3533 (p) | 330-263-3670 ...

  7. Helping Farmers Out of Depression

    figure out a way out of distress. And too they may be reluctant to seek out someone who could help. “Our ...

  8. Ohio Educators: Explore 2 'Amazing' Resources for Teaching About Nature, the Environment

    forests and wildlife. Tools for indoors, outdoors “Our goal is to provide information and activities to ...

  9. Sheep & Goat Webinar

    Tips for Improving Lambing and Kidding Percentages:  Management, Genetics and Selection- Dr. Susan ...

  10. IAC Executive Board

    219 Adrienne DeAngelis Project Manager Hill International, Inc. Cell: 614-381-0543 Website: ...
