
Search results

  1. Small Grain Disease Management

    Fungicide effectiveness on wheat and barley depends upon the timing of the application and choosing the right fungicide material.  Pierce Paul, OSU Extension small grains and corn pathologist, wrote an excellent article on wheat and barley diseases, when ...

  2. I am Woman- Watch me Lead

    without changing who you are. This workshop is offered online, at our facility, and as a traveling ... workshop.  Please visit our Upcoming Workshops page for scheduled dates available for registration.  If you ... are interested in having our facilitators conduct this workshop at your facility, please contact Jody ...

  3. I Need to Learn Twitter and Facebook!

    own laptops.  We can provide a limited number of laptops This workshop is offered online, at our ... facility, and as a traveling workshop.  Please visit our Upcoming Workshops page for scheduled dates ... available for registration.  If you are interested in having our facilitators conduct this workshop at your ...

  4. Farmhouse Fraternity Philanthropy Dodgeball Tournament

    Ohio State student clubs and organizations will donate money toward our fraternity's campaign ...

  5. The Skilled Facilitator: Techniques and Tools-SOLD OUT

    • Understand facilitation and facilitator roles • Understand, assess and manage group dynamics and group ...

  6. Abby Wolfe

    a student research assistant. My hobbies include gardening, hiking, attending concerts, playing with my cat, ...

  7. The Skilled Facilitator: Techniques and Tools

    • Understand facilitation and facilitator roles • Understand, assess and manage group dynamics and group ...

  8. 4-H News and Notes: May 26, 2016

    Camp Registration Now Open Order Your Chicken Peeps through our Bulk Order- Orders Due June 10th ...

  9. 2016 Ag Outlook

    Production Business Management Matt Roberts, Asst. Professor, OSU Extension Sam Custer, OSU Extension, Darke ...

  10. Steering committee named for Vice President’s Conversation on Extension for a 2nd Century

    vision to define our future; innovative thinking about how we get there; and a springboard for the ...
