
Search results

  1. Tapping into the Subconscious: New Sensory Science Lab to Explore Mysteries of Flavor, Aroma, Appetite

    FST Assistant Professor of Sensory Science, Chris Simons talks about his research and his sensory ...

  2. CFAES Grad Report Positive Jobs Outlook

    suit and production lines  as one of the newest operations management trainees for Cargill Kitchen ...

  3. DNA and a Supercomputer Partner to Sustain Honey Bees: New Research from Ohio State

    To uncover what plants honey bees rely on, researchers from The Ohio State University are using ...

  4. Commercial Grape and Wine Workshop ~ A practical Approach

    for a daylong workshop and learn the basics of grapevine propagation techniques, vineyard management ...

  5. Drive a Little, Learn a Lot

     General topic tracks include horticulture production, livestock and aquaculture, small farm management ... pruning Hobby Maple Syrup Production Fruit Tree and Small Fruit Disease Management and Prevention Micro ...

  6. Winter Injury Update on Peaches, Grapes, Cherries

    leading researchers say. However, the true extent of the damage varies from site to site. It’s also ...

  7. Raising Kids, Eating Right, Spending Smart, Living Well

    a family, choosing and preparing food for meals, balancing our budgets or saving for future goals and in ...

  8. Ohio wine grape losses hit hardest in Northeast Ohio, but still plenty to drink.

    "Ohio grape growers – the spark of our fast-growing, $500 million wine-tourism industry-- are ...

  9. Backyard gardeners give Ohio State agriculture researchers a hand in pollination study

    Research and Development Center are interested in learning. "We know very little about how bees use ... flowers in cities and people's backyards," said Scott Prajzner, an OSU graduate research ...

  10. CD Wire- May 7, 2013

    compiling and formatting, again this year we have our  CD Accountability Report. Please use it and share it. ... is applicable and relevant to our approaches to this community issue in Ohio. Please plan to ‘tune ... Analyzing Sustainability in Ohio’s Food Supply Chain Workshop- May 31: Faculty and researchers are invited ...
