
Search results

  1. The Safety of Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I (IGF-I)

    Dr. Normand St-Pierre, Dairy Management Specialist, The Ohio State University Summary The IGF-I in ...

  2. National Preparedness Month

    Lisa Pfeifer – OSU Ag Safety and Health Education Coordinator: FEMA launches their “Disasters don’t plan ahead. You can.” campaign for National Preparedness Month. They have may tips to get you thinking about the simple things you can do to get a jump sta ...

  3. Dairy Nutrition and Management Conference


  4. Ohio State ATI Welcomes New Equine Professor

    Ph.D. in December 2010, Suagee completed postdoctoral research on lipid metabolism of dairy cows and the ...

  5. Reviewing Nutrient Costs: 2009 vs. 2008 vs. 2007 Harvest Years

    Dr. Joanne Knapp, Principal Technical Consultant, Fox Hollow Consulting, Columbus, OH (top of page) pdf file The cost of providing NEl (Net Energy of lactation) in dairy rations this harvest year is closely paralleling the 2008-2009 crop year and is subst ...

  6. Corn, Soybean, Wheat Connection webinar series: Soil Health & Cover Crops

    Check back for details. ...

  7. A Recipe for Recreational Safety at the Farm Pond

    Lisa Pfeifer – OSU Ag Safety and Health Education Coordinator: The farm pond while often utilitarian in nature, can add the elements of both fun and danger to the warm days of summer. Allowing the fun to take center stage for your family, friends, and emp ...

  8. Market View

    department's new web address and then link to the dairy website by selecting 'Programs and Research / Ohio ...

  9. Jim Herron receives Young Jersey Breeder Award

    Jim Herron, a 2006 graduate of the dairy cattle production and management program, has been named ...

  10. Farm S.O.S (Strategies On Safety)

    might find on a farm, hazards that exist and how to manage/reduce the risks associated with these ...
