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  1. Environmental Professionals Network Monthly Breakfast

    On Wednesday, April 17, Dr. Curt Meine will be our keynote speaker at the Environmental ...

  2. An Apple a Day...

    could cling to the skin or penetrate through minor blemishes.   Research done at the University of Maine ...

  3. The Skilled Facilitator: Techniques and Tools- Sold out

    • Understand facilitation and facilitator roles • Understand, assess and manage group dynamics and group ...

  4. ACT Potato Bar Fundraiser

    and support this year's club. Our stand will be located in Agriculture Administration Lobby and ...

  5. CFAES Diversity Catalyst Team seeks new members

    If you're looking for a way to make a difference in our college while working with fun and ... 2007 as part of our college's participation in a federally sponsored project called the Change ...

  6. OSU Weed Science Field Day

    Research Station.  Registration starts at 8:30 and a field tour with presentations by OSU faculty, staff ... event.  Address of the research station – 7721 South Charleston Pike, South Charleston, OH.  Location ...

  7. Healthier Lifestyles

    important for our overall health, but because we are so busy it tends to not make the priority list.  So how ...

  8. Third annual Diversity Leadership Symposium set for February

    component of our university. However, the same people who we employ to reach those in need are themselves, ... a need for in-reach in order to reach out to others in our communities. Successful outreach depends on ... must first reach in to ourselves. When we increase knowledge of our own culture as well as the cultures ...

  9. Miami County Pesticide and Fertilizer Applicator Training

    Registration Materials will be avilable in December. ...

  10. Champaign County Pesticide and Fertilizer Applicator Training

    Registration Materials Available in December ...
