
Search results

  1. Miller courses

    Major diseases of fruit and vegetable crops with emphasis on etiology, epidemiology and management.  Wi ... Disease Management (U  G  5 cr)   Theory and practice of plant disease management; emphasis on integration ... 401, and Sr. standing in agronomy, horticulture, plant health management, or entomology; or permission ...

  2. Communiqué January 22, 2014

    Specialists The Communiqué has been spotlighting the work of our field specialists; in this issue we feature ... many generous people throughout the year, it would not have been manageable. I have received a very ... professionals, but also to develop programs that are understandable, useful and timely for our clients. One of ...

  3. Veal Calf Care – Starts at the Dairy Farm: Best Practices for Dairy Bull Calves

    Cattlemen’s Beef Promotion and Research Board, which administers the national checkoff program, subject to ...

  4. International Awards

    Sally Miller, IPM Excellence Award, 2009 (co-awardee as member of IPM Collaborative Research ... Support Program) Larry Madden, Fisher Lecturer, Rothamsted Research, England (March 31, 2008) Larry ... of Agriculture Bureau of Agricultural Research Director’s Award 2001 International Alumni Adipala ...

  5. Archive 2012

    Stewart, Research Molecular Biologist, USDA ARS, Wooster Cracking waikavirus code: Progress on Maize ... Nov. 6 Donald Nuss, Professor and Director, Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology Research ... Plant Pathology, Ohio State (Feng Qu, advisor) April 24 Wojciech Janisiewicz, Research Plant ...

  6. Beyond the Law of Supply and Demand for Forages

    forages available. Current research in the Department of Animal Sciences at OSU has shed some light on the ...

  7. Action Leadership Retreat

    key areas (e.g., conflict management, communication, and interpersonal skills) important for success ...

  8. Factors to Consider in a Program for Heat Detection

    fertility in the herd and ultimately result in greater economic benefits. ...

  9. Communiqué June 25, 2014

    Contents Rapid Prototyping – A Leadership Skill OSUE Annual Conference and Research Colloquium – ... Conference and Research Colloquium – The Next 100 Years – December 9, 10, and 11 This three-day conference ... scholarship of Extension work and university research. Build relationships between Extension professionals and ...

  10. Feeding Glycerol to Dairy Cattle

    studies, as well as some other published research, we can conclude that glycerol has value as a feed ... for animal feed. So, additional research is going to be needed to determine the variation in ...
