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  1. What GMO Labeling Means for ‘Black Box’ of Food Storage, Distribution: Panel Discussion at the Farm Science Review

    and Andy Vollmar, food and feed ingredient manager of The Andersons Grain Group. The agricultural ... they show up a little while later on our store shelves, but everything in between is pretty opaque. ...

  2. Sources of Change in the Demand for Energy by Indonesian Households: 1980-1999

    the energy transition, with parameter change magnifying this effect even further. Our findings point ...

  3. Amanda Weinstein Awarded the M. Jarvin Emerson Student Paper Competition Award at the 44th Annual Mid-Continent Regional Science Association Conference

    opportunities for student recognition among professional associations. Weinstein’s research focuses on ... Weinstein’s research builds on existing research in the field, which has been conducted with varying results. ... area she has expanded her research to perform a more rigorous national analysis of the economic impact ...

  4. Ohio Farm Custom Rates 2016

    managers and landowners conducted in 2016. These rates, except where noted, include the implement and ...

  5. Roe and Howard present poster at EAAE Congress in Switzerland

    Congress in Zurich, Switzerland on August 31, 2011.   Agricultural Economics Farm Management Graduate ...

  6. Latin American Experimental Animation Introduced by Lina Aguirre & Cecilia Traslaviña (2008-13)

    Studies, and Latino and Latin American Space for Enrichment and Research (LASER). ...

  7. Are You Ready? Homecoming Weekend 2016 is here!

    Reception Evening on you own.  Plan to watch the Ohio State Homecoming Parade, in which many of our CFAES ... Ohio Union. Saturday, October 1, 2016 CFAES Fallfest Tailgate The Plumb Hall Lawn Join us in our NEW ...

  8. CFAES Welcomes New Alumni

    Congratulations and welcome to our 554 newest alumni who graduated from The Ohio State University ...

  9. Outstanding Students Recognized for Impact Beyond the Classroom

    worked influenced the direction of my research,” shares Berning. “So my professional interests expanded ...

  10. Celebrating those who invest in the future of CFAES

    Rizzoni, director of the Center for Automotive Research (CAR), impressed guests with an update on Ohio ...
