
Search results

  1. Your Help Provides $20,000 to Ohio 4-H

    programs.  If our state is at the top at the end of the day on June 30, we will win bragging rights AND be ...

  2. Come learn about the Center for Human-Animal Interactions Research & Education

    new CFAES Center for Human-Animal Interactions Research & Education (CHAIRE). Where: Animal ...

  3. ATI horse named best dam (producer) in the land

    The Ohio Harness Horsemen’s Association has given Our Lady Countess, a horse that was donated to ... Award. Our Lady Countess’s 2012 daughter is Bell Flower, an ATI homebred. Bell Flower was sired by Fly ... equine degree programs. “Ohio State ATI is proud of Our Lady Countess and the Equine Center faculty, ...

  4. Events Calendar

    highlights the university's long history of research in the polar regions.  More information available ... added to our events page. ...

  5. Giving mosquitoes 'kidney' failure could help fight spread of malaria

    potassium channels," which appeared May 29 in the online journal  PLOS ONE. "Our team has found a ... "With this important proof-of-concept study completed, our team is now in search of similar ... of people annually. Piermarini's research  is funded by a $1.4 million grant  from the ...

  6. Dairy Cattle Judging Team seeking sponsors

    are limited, so we are turning to our friends for help.   The estimated 2018 cost is $10,000 or $1,650 ...

  7. Alumni

    you our strongest ambassadors.  Please stay connected with us! Need to update your contact ...

  8. Greece: Human and Animal Interactions Study Abroad- Information Session

    and Animal Interactions study abroad program.  This program focuses on the role of animals in our ... geography and infrastructure can impact cultural development and the use of land and animals within our ... societies. Students will be provided with an opportunity and a forum in which they can compare our ...

  9. Greece: Human and Animal Interactions- Information Session

    and Animal Interactions study abroad program.  This program focuses on the role of animals in our ... geography and infrastructure can impact cultural development and the use of land and animals within our ... societies. Students will be provided with an opportunity and a forum in which they can compare our ...

  10. Nathan Donley puts down roots in the Ohio State ATI greenhouse

    Nathan Donley has joined the Ohio State ATI staff as greenhouse manager. Nathan is a 2009 graduate ... of the greenhouse production and management program and has worked for Cedar Lane Farms in Wooster ...
