
Search results

  1. Combine Fire Precautions

    Rory Lewandowski – OSU Extension Educator, Wayne County: Each year I see photos and video clips of combine fires come across my twitter feed.  This year has been no different.  Some of the comments on photos and videos of 2018 combine fires mention how qu ...

  2. Strengths Finder Workshop (On-Line)

    talents.  According to the Gallup Organization, "we spend too much time focusing on our weaknesses, ... trying to make them stronger rather than recognizing our strengths."  When you focus on your ...

  3. ENR 4000 Environmental and Natural Resources Policy

    Resources for finding information on legal topics:   Research by topic:  Opposing Viewpoints ...

  4. Pesticide Licensing/Certification Testing

    Farmers who are applyng restricted-use pesticides need to be licensed applicators. Our website ...

  5. Limited Submission Opportunites

    applications that can be submitted by Ohio State investigators. The Ohio State University Office of Research ...

  6. Gress to complete internship with Ohio Department of Agriculture

    planning will come in handy as she helps us prepare materials and plan events for the summer, including our ...

  7. Are you Prepared?

    Lisa Pfeifer – OSU Ag Safety and Health Education Coordinator: “Disasters Happen. Prepare Now. Learn How.” is the Department of Homeland Security’s campaign slogan for National Preparedness Month this September. Are you prepared? ...

  8. Strengths Finder

    talents.  According to the Gallup Organization, "we spend too much time focusing on our weaknesses, ... trying to make them stronger rather than recognizing our strengths."  When you focus on your ...

  9. U. S. Rep. Bob Gibbs '74 to speak at 40th Commencement

    the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center in Wooster before venturing out on his own as ...

  10. Extension Emergency Policy and Operations

    impact on agriculture, such as farm facilities, food, feed, seed, and fertilizer processing and storage ... facilities, crop and livestock losses, and soil contamination. This information should be relayed to the ... danger, and soil contamination. Additionally, the USDA County Emergency Boards may be called upon to ...
