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Happy Cows Mean Better Meat
“There’s just a lot more ‘foodies’ in our population now,” Boyles said, referring to people with a strong ... sure our beef producers are ready for market changes,” Boyles said. Times and locations for the series ...
Ningxia University administrators visit Ohio State's College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences
areas of agriculture, horticulture, and turfgrass management each year. Dr. Mike Chrisman, Director of ... received through our internship program,” shared Dr. Chrisman. “Upon their return, they’ve quickly secured ...
Home Buyer Education: Reynoldsburg
Center (6699 East Livingston Ave., Reynoldsburg, Ohio), Room 130. Our program is one of only a handful ...
Slugs Likely to Thrive This Summer
smaller than a BB and blend in well with the soil, Michel said. After hatching, they hide during the day, ... with a serious slug problem can either till the soil to disrupt the slugs’ shelter or apply a pesticide ...
Ohio State iAGRI Graduate Curbing the Devastating Effects of Rice Blast Disease
Agricultural Research Institute in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania researched the molecular mechanisms of resistance to ... as substantial as 70% in East Africa. His graduate research, entitled “Molecular Analysis of Host ... Research Initiative (iAGRI)- a major Feed the Future project funded by the U.S Agency for International ...
Columbus Urban Farm Tour: Urban Community Garden Serving Homeless Men
Tour Brochure. Click here to read more on our website. The Columbus Urban Farm Tour Series is a joint ...
Join us for this free money management workshop and learn how to create a monthly budget, improve ...
Home Buyer Education: Grove City
Hall (4035 Broadway, Grove City, Ohio) in the Lower Level Conference room. Our program is one of only ...
Graduate student conducts research on rabies transmission in Ethiopa as a part of One Health
containers. Most significant to our research project was the fact that dogs were everywhere! The dog, or ... in a research mission to Ethiopia this past summer as a part of the One Health Initiative. Laura and ... I was on the rabies elimination team and our goal was to use a mental models approach in order to ...
USDA seeks comments on regulatory reform
participation in our programs in ways that least interfere with our customers and allow us to accomplish our ...