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  1. Forage Production School 2014

    OSU Researchers and OSU Extension Specialists and  Educators will present cutting edge information ...

  2. Meat Class Presents Final Projects

    Macdonald Wick and Dr. Henry Zerby. In addition, experts like Meat Lab Manager Ron Cramer and ...

  3. Buckeye Shepherd's Symposium Update

    management, and have served as editor of The Shepherd Magazine for many years. They have made an impact on the ... related to many sheep production and management topics. The Shepherd Magazine has also been involved in ...

  4. Monday Creek Restoration Project

    wastewater, sedimentation and illegally-dumped trash. Our most recent restoration project was the installation ...

  5. Little Beaver Creek Wild and Scenic River Advisory Council

    constructing outdoor classrooms or land labs. The Watershed Management Plan was completed and approved in 2012. ...

  6. 2014 Ohio Beef Cattle School

    nutrition programs. Dr. Francis Fluharty, Research Scientist, OSU Department of Animal Sciences, will ...

  7. News

    our Ohio ATV Program, as well introduce new activities to encourage and engage youth to practice ... safety. The overall objective of our program is to reduce the number of injuries and fatalities while ... the ASI e-course. We look to incorporate the Tread Sylvania video game into our Ohio State Fair ...

  8. Dairy Judging Program Autumn 2012 Update

    generous donors to our program.  The experience is worthy of all your time and efforts and binds these ...

  9. Reducing Stress for a Healthy Heart

    stress. Other suggestions for managing stress include: ·      Begin to take note of things that cause you ...

  10. Meat Meets Art

    learn more about the “language, imagery, and sense of place” that meat has in our food system. Dr. ...
