
Search results

  1. Supporting Our Military & Veteran Students

    Navigating university and military life can be a challenge for veteran and enlisted students.  Find out what CFAES is doing to help. ...

  2. Swine Management Field Day

    See the full flyer at this link. ...

  3. New Year’s Resolution

    in our hearts for him! You know the effort that goes into developing a new relationship?  You are on ...

  4. Please Welcome Tim McDermott, Our New Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator

    Please welcome Tim McDermott to the Franklin County Office of OSU Extension. Tim began serving as a half-time Extension Educator for Agriculture and Natural Resources in Franklin County on October 2, 2017. Tim is replacing Brian Kleinke, who left OSU Exte ...

  5. Are you ready to be a Wellness Champion?

    by Ohio State University Extension. CFAES provides research and related educational programs to ...

  6. Strengthening Families over Dinner

    help strengthen families.  Years of research has found that the more children eat dinner with their ... Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University in a research survey of teens and parents found that, ... a half times likelier to have tried alcohol CASA research shows teens are at a greater risk of substance ...

  7. Canning Jams and Jellies Workshop

    mastercard.  Our office hours are 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Monday through Friday. 3.) Register by mail.  Living ...

  8. Soil and Nutrient Management in your Lawn and Garden


  9. Ohio 4-H Conference Registration Due

    learn together and from each other in order to improve our abilities to deliver the Ohio 4-H Program to ...

  10. EFNEP

    children how to make healthier food choices, manage their food resources, improve their food safety ...
