
Search results

  1. Millennials @ Work

    Who are these new employees in your workplace? How do you relate to or manage this latest ... ideas about how to manage and coach this generation of employees. Beth Flynn is facilitating this ...

  2. CD Weekly Wire May 29, 2012

    week. For example, let’s not forget to appropriately recognize our NACDEP 2012 regional and national ... business of our usual work week. Congrats and best wishes to David O. Kelch, Associate Professor and ... procedure. Tri-State Research and Extension Grant Program Request for Proposals due September 30: Ohio State ...

  3. CD Weekly Wire- January 28, 2013

    region. I am very much encouraged by this level of participation and am hopeful our efforts yield NCRCRD ... funding. At a minimum, I hope that our efforts in developing these proposals lead to greater cross-state ... research projects, and college students can win a Stone Lab scholarship. The event is free and open to the ...

  4. Meet with Your Advisor

    Our college provides you with several advisors to help you plan your degree and resolve academic ...

  5. Driven to succeed: OARDC-industry partnership is creating new jobs

    Schultheis, our company’s vice president and an Ohio State alumnus, took this biodiesel byproduct to the Ohio ...

  6. Co-Producer Interest

    delegating, and manage their time well. In addition, there is a lot of video and presentation editing, so ...

  7. Leading in Jeans: Millennial Unconventional Leadership in a Multi-Generational Workforce

    effective supervisor it is important for a Millennial to understand the  work values and management ...

  8. 40th Annual Progressive North American Demo Boat Show

    Come out and visit the Ohio Clean Marinas Program and Ohio Coastal Management Program booth at the ...

  9. CD Weekly Wire- June 3, 2013

    administering the ANR program and identify practices that our CD team might use to enhance the way we carry out ... our work. Of course, part of the challenge will involve me figuring out how to be in two places at ... land-grant commitment to our communities. One of the recipients is the Moms2B program, which Susan Colbert ...

  10. 'It's a great way to get your feet wet if you're just starting out in the business'

    courses for food industry workers and managers, and government and academic personnel. The center also ...
