
Search results

  1. Agricultural Systems Management Club

    Our Vision: To allow students to develop leadership skills. To create a sense of community for ... placement.        Our Events        Our Activites AZP Blooddrive Lawn Mower Clinic Euchre Tourney Farm ...

  2. Posters 2017

    Linnette Goard Research Poster Christine Gelley WPAFB Teens Natalie Storie Zoom Feedback Webinar Beth ...

  3. CSM Picnic

    can specify a time. Thanks, Ryan Tietje Research Associate Engineer College of Food, Agricultural, and ...

  4. H. Houser Capstone

    11:30 am in order to have a conference call meeting with the company our capstone group is doing work ...

  5. Promotion and Tenure Committee

    7 (all day) for our Promotion and Tenure committee meeting this fall. I surveyed the faculty and that day ...

  6. Promotion and Tenure Committee

    September 7 (all day) for our Promotion and Tenure committee meeting this fall. I surveyed the faculty and ...

  7. Darke County 4-H Cloverbud Rocks!

    we ask that you take a selfie with it and post the picture to our Darke County 4-H Cloverbud Rocks! ... find. Cloverbud Rocks! is meant to inspire people to venture out and explore our county's beautiful ...

  8. M. Kalcic

    202 Also, my research group no longer needs 202 on the 18th from 1-3, but we'd like to move ...

  9. Research Meeting

    202 Bethany reserved for  Sean Thursday, October 10, 2019- 5:00pm to 6:00pm ...

  10. OSU CSM Student Teams Successful at NewB Competition

    Each year, students from Ohio State’s Construction Systems Management (CSM) program participate in ...
