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Two alumni recognized in list of outstanding under-40 businesspeople
who is marketing manager at Velvet Ice Cream Company. Earlier this year, he was named Young ...
Adam Sharp
bureau council with his family, Sharp has always been dedicated to the organization, he said. “Our ... a loyalty and a trust between our organization and the university,” he said. Sharp seeks opportunities to ...
2015 Tri-State Green Industry Conference
Greenhouse Innovation, Tree & Shrub Care, Turfgrass Management, Green Infrastructure an d General Pest ... & D isease Management an d also features a ven d or tra d e show. Pestici d e recertification cre ...
Dining With Diabetes Class
Making smart meal choices is important for diabetes management, but healthy eating can be ...
Events Calendar
State, and Mr. William Barnhill, trial manager. Whether you are a horticulture professional, an admirer ...
10 Myths about Bedbugs that are Just Crawling with Foolishness
conducting research and education related to bedbugs for years. Here are some of the most common ... or get your hopes up. Jones and colleagues have conducted research that shows these foggers or “bug ... our pets!” They fly and jump - They don’t. Bug bedbugs can crawl very fast. Andy they can hide ...
Citizenship Washington Focus
the scenes look at our nation’s capital and the chance to meet members of Congress, meet motivational ... a lot of community service activities. The research studies have shown the following in comparison with ... of academic competence greater desire to go to college All of these attributes will help our youth to ...
Retirement and philanthropy planning at CFAES
groundbreaking research or easing the burden of student debt, your vision and generosity will create better ...
OSU Extension to Host Annie’s Project
operations may sign up for Annie's Project, a multi-part risk-management course offered by Ohio State ... focuses on five broad aspects of risk management typical in the agricultural setting: human, financial, ...
Find Your Center with Our Newly Added Mindful Wellness Program
Do you ever feel like you are stuck in your routine? Do you make everyday decisions without thinking about your choice? OSU Extension, Franklin County now has a Mindful Wellness program to help! The Mindful Wellness program is designed to equip healthy ad ...