
Search results

  1. Severe Weather Awareness Week: March 19- 25

    Dee Jepsen – OSU State Agricultural Safety and Health Leader: Severe Weather Awareness Week is March 19 – 25, 2017. You can find great information and educational materials from the Ohio Committee for Severe Weather Awareness at this link:  http://www.wea ...

  2. Jill Byers returns to Ohio State ATI

    learned about the opening in ATI’s admissions office. She ran into ATI’s enrollment manager at a college ...

  3. Ohio State ATI grad shooting for Rio in 2016

    Olympics was in 1996 in Atlanta, so we are hoping that 2016 will be our year to go,” Scherer said. Scherer ...

  4. Bill Mead '81: Career proves value of two-year degree

    Don’t tell Bill Mead that it takes a bachelor’s degree or beyond to attain an upper management ...

  5. Higher Moisture Levels in Grain Call for Additional Safety Measures

    Mann, safety research associate for Ohio State University Extension. OSU Extension is the outreach arm ...

  6. The Glass Castle: ATI Programming Page

    adults do whatever they want, if at all? As a new college student, how will you manage your new sense of ...

  7. Flu Season is Here!

    Lisa Pfeifer – OSU Ag Safety and Health Education Coordinator: The easiest way to protect against the flu, the Ohio Department of Health reminds, is to get a seasonal flu vaccine every year! Some good flu prevention practices include: ...

  8. 9th Annual Greene County Test Your Well & Soil Event

    Bring in a well water sample for nirtrate and iron testing. Free, confidential result. Free arsenic and lead testing for the fiorst 50 households with additional tests for 20.00. Bacteria test kits available for 20.00 each. Lots of knowledgeable people on ...

  9. Citation Help

    material. Personal Interview: Smith, Alex. Personal interview. 1 Jan. 2012. Website: Smith, Alex. "Our ...

  10. SEEDS: The OARDC Research Enhancement Competitive Grants Program

    Faculty RFP Overview.  More information here. ...
