
Search results

  1. Duty Area A:

    CSA Grower/Manager DUTY/TASK LIST Duty Area A: Develop business plan   1 Develop business plan ...

  2. Ohio State Fair Delegate Packet Pick-Up

    following Winners Circle. This is your chance to notify our office if you will be representing Clermont ...

  3. Alumni Magazine Article: Trees contribute mightily to campus environment

    The November-December issue of the Ohio State Alumni Magazine recognizes the value of trees on our ...

  4. Spring Dining with Diabetes Workshop

    manage their diabetes through menu planning, carbohydrate counting, portion control, label reading and ...

  5. Maintain Grain Quality in the Bin

    Grain storage is a component of a grain marketing plan.  It allows the farm manager to plan for ... preventing the secondary feeders. While grain bin management is important, safety in and around grain bins is ...

  6. Corn Ear Rots

    As corn harvest continues across our area, I have received a few questions about corn ear rots and ... ears under our growing conditions.  DIPLODIA EAR ROT- Diplodia causes a thick white mass of mold to ...

  7. Smith-Lever Act Centennial Celebration

    Extension System, will be celebrated in 2014. Activities this year will highlight our past and focus on the ... current application of Cooperative Extension’s mission and vision as we move into our next century. ...

  8. Directions To South Centers

    Once on Shyville road, our building is just on the left.   View Larger Map ...

  9. Deadline to Order Jr. Fair Turkeys and Chicks

    Thanks to the support of our donors: Auto Tech of Orrville (Jim Masters and Wayne Steiner), Land O Lakes, ...

  10. Fertilizer Applicator Certification

