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  1. 2023 Wayne County Junior Fair Auction Another Record-Breaker

    livestock projects. We require our exhibitors to write their buyer a ‘Thank You’ card in order to receive ... our youth livestock and dairy exhibitors. In 2022, if you remember, we were blown away by their ... overwhelmed with the big support of our county. Now here we are in 2023 with another record! The grand total ...

  2. Manage Your Money


  3. Early Childhood Education Programming

    on our calendar: Early Childhood programs (audience is young ...

  4. OSU Extension Can Help With Harvest Sample Testing

    like to do. To our surprise, Tylor said we needed to go to the zoo. When the kids were younger, that ... was our go-to day out of the house excursion. Every parent wishes their children will never grow up, ... line to get their picture taken with a statue. Test, don’t guess to evaluate soil quality In my last ...

  5. Indulge Apple Cravings Using A Variety of Apple Recipes

    a registered dietitian at Wooster Community Hospital. Rita talked about heart healthy eating during one of our ... complement each other because they offer all the major nutrients in one snack. Apples provide complex ... carbohydrates and fiber. Peanut butter provides protein and healthy fat. The combo is a nutrient-packed snack ...

  6. OSU Extension Wayne County Fair Programming Schedule

    11:30am Eagles Among Us- John Lorson, Wayne County Soil and Water Conservation District program manager ... Zoo from the Ohio State University Wooster Campus- Jeni Filbrun, zookeeper and program manager, and ... Will talk about some issues that can hinder genealogy research. 3:00pm Top 10 Good and Bad Bugs In ...

  7. Mind and Body

    Thank you for visiting. Have you seen our new Mindful Wander signs out in the community? If you ... UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center, free guided meditations ... ...

  8. The Quest for Environmental and Climate Justice: Why Race and Place Still Matter- 2023 CFAES DEI Speaker Series

    Join us for our keynote for the 2023 CFAES DEI Speaker Series! The Quest for Environmental and ... designing fair, just and effective adaptation, mitigation, emergency management and community resilience and ... perpetuate inequality and vulnerability before and after disasters strike.  About our keynote speaker: ...

  9. Houseplant for Christmas? Here's How To Keep It Happy

    them extra nutrients that they need. Remember to always follow the fertilizer label directions. Too ... plant or mixed in with the potting soil after repotting the plant.  This will allow the fertilizer to ... them can happen less frequently (2-3 times a month). It always important to check the soil moisture ...

  10. The Importance of Gratitude; And Turkey Tips

    thankful for it?”  Research indicates that when we share with others, we can change our focus and have ... list may be longer than others’, but when we develop an attitude of gratitude it changes our ... a better understanding of our lives. This conversation can also help children have a better grasp of the ...
