
Search results

  1. Minding the Brand: Talking about Templates

    Creating marketing materials takes time. It is our hope that the creation of an Extension brand ... flyers, research posters, social media graphics, meeting agendas, and more.    Over the past few months, ...

  2. Minter Awarded SARE Sustainable Agriculture Grant

    a Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) grant to support the project, "Expanding ... ...

  3. Boost Your Brain Health Tips

    How we live, eat, and handle stress can influence how our brain works as we age, according to ...

  4. Department Administration

    Columbus, Sarah DeVilbiss,  Office Manager, Columbus, Erin Parke ... r,  Office Manager, Wooster, Entomology Student Interest Form STUDENT INQUIRIES  ... company. A reputable company can be found by referring to the  Ohio Pest Management Association membership ...

  5. Global Education FAQs

    clicking on the “apply now” button located at the bottom of the Ohio State program web flyer.  Our ... applications run on a cyclical basis, while the apply now button will not always be active, our applications ... admission, we will not start our application review process until after the published application deadline.  ...

  6. Downs Named as Field Specialist, Forestry

    Jim Downs has recently joined our statewide team as field specialist, forestry for Extension. With ...

  7. Note from David Civittolo

    look forward to spending some time with our agriculture and natural resources professionals at their ...

  8. Explore Connect Collab to be held at OSU Piketon June 25

    p.m.). Participants will learn about and interact with research and Extension programs including ...

  9. Minding the Brand: Mindset and Approach

    our structure. We are also conscientious about doing impactful work on behalf of Extension and ... maintaining our national reputation. As such, it is important to remember that we are all ambassadors of the ... Extension and Ohio State in any activity, program, research project, interaction with local clientele, ...

  10. Note from David Civittolo

    research have changed over the 110 years since Smith-Lever was passed, the core of our work is still firmly ... Extension Service in every state. Because of this act, Ohioans have had access to unbiased research ...
