
Search results

  1. Using the Tree Measuring Stick

    industry, and can help woodland owners better understand and manage their forest resource.What can you ... forester. A woodland owner should utilize a professional forester to develop a management plan and to assist ... with forest management activities such as timber harvests and tree planting. Measuring Tree Diameter ...

  2. Norovirus: A Different Type of Foodborne Illness

    washing fruits and vegetables cannot completely eliminate microbes, it helps remove soil or waxes where ...

  3. Timber Theft in Ohio

    Timber Tax Website. (2013). "Tax Management for Timberland Owners." [Online]. Available: ...

  4. Fairfield County Ohio Local Foods Tours

    event, limited to the first 100 attendees.  Attend three events and receive a free gift! Thank you to our ...

  5. Understanding Value in Lime

    Extension Soil Fertility Specialist For many years we have referred to correcting soil pH as “sweetening the ... ENP of 1,702 lbs/ton The cost of each product is $15/ton. If our soil test calls for an application of ... and J. D. Beaton, Soil Fertility and Fertilizers. 4th Ed. New York: Macmillan, 1985. Vistosh, M. L., ...

  6. Fall Armyworm in Ohio Field Crops

    strong sustained wind patterns that bring adults to our region, and hot local conditions (a hot summer ... complete their development, they pupate (the transformation stage preceding moth emergence) in the soil ... during an extended warm fall before freezing temperatures kill them. Research is underway to better ...

  7. Economic Implications of Anaerobic Digestion for Bioenergy Production and Waste Management

    land-applied as a fertilizer and soil amendment (Fig. 1). AD occurs naturally in wetlands, marshes, and ... biomass directly. Generates a nutrient-rich fertilizer that can be land-applied for agronomic benefits, ... such as inorganic fertilizer replacement, and as a soil amendment that reduces erosion and compaction, ...

  8. Identification and Management of Soilborne Diseases of Tomato

    discoloration near the soil line and discoloration may continue up the stem (Figure 2). Roots may look brown and ... soil survivor. Corky root rot is caused by the fungus Pyrenochaeta lycopersici and survives in soil via ... causes anthracnose on tomato fruits. The pathogen is capable of surviving in soil by microsclerotia that ...

  9. Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation for Management of Soilborne Diseases in Midwestern Vegetable Production

    occur together in a disease complex, which is very difficult to manage. Anaerobic soil disinfestation ... providing nutrients for beneficial soil microbes. These carbon sources are applied at high rates from 4.5 to ... (ASD) is a method of soilborne disease management effective against a wide range of soilborne pathogens, ...

  10. Growing Apples in the Home Orchard

    pruning, fertilization and pest management. Without sufficient and proper care for apple trees, fruit ... considerable knowledge about cultivar selection, planting site, soil types, planting techniques, training, ... Nonresistant cultivars can be successfully grown in home orchards if an effective disease-management program is ...
