
Search results

  1. CD Weekly Wire- June 11, 2012

    on Lake Erie. Our Sea Grant Extension colleagues have planned an exciting day to teach us more about ... webinar will encourage dialog from policy makers, development funders, researchers, and practitioners on ... in what makes a great farm visitor experience should attend... farm or farm market owner, manager ...

  2. 2013 OARDC Annual ResearchConference

    Congratulations to: Dr. Yebo Li- received the 2013 OARDC Distinguished Junior Faculty Researcher ... Award for development of an outstanding research program focusing on bioenergy and bio-products ...

  3. ASABE Student Branch meeting with ASABE Ohio Section

    6:00 PM We will break off for our own meeting, it will be short 6:00 PM Cookout in the courtyard with ...

  4. ASABE-UCD Administrators

    transatlantic links in Biosystems Engineering, addressing research, education and innovation. The meeting will ... provide ASABE delegates with an insight into ongoing research, innovation and educational programmes at ... Research Areas and Opportunities for Collaboration Ms. Triona McCormack (University College Dublin) Dr. ...

  5. Utilizing Genomic Selection to Accelerate the Pace of Developing FHB Resistant Wheat Varieties

    (Tritfcum aestfvum L) ano other cereals. one Important aspect for managing FHB in wheat Is breeding tor ...

  6. ‘Toledo was a wakeup call’: Dean announces new water quality initiative

    Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences, of which OARDC is the research arm. “Just over a month ago, the city ...

  7. Food Security Conference

    Systems. Its goal is to concretely position food security as a priority in food system research and ...

  8. Lydia Hartzler- Agricultural Systems Management Student

    My Agricultural Systems Management Experience  I started my ASM experience at Ohio State’s ... and service management department. Several projects were assigned to me, including inputting and ...

  9. Association for the Advancement of Industrial Crops

    2 of our Graduate Students won awards from the Association for the Advancement of Industrial ...

  10. Volunteer Opportunity

    will be this Thursday, September 5, at 2:00pm in 1080 Physics Research Building.   Please let us know ...
