
Search results

  1. Transportation Policy – Use of State Vehicles

    management resources  page. 5. The university provides liability and property damage insurance for its ... Transportation and Traffic Management Office: http ...

  2. Ohio State ranks 25th in list of world's most innovative universities

    innovation. The rankings are based on the universities’ published research, as well as on the quantity, impact ...

  3. The Good, The Bad and The Hungry: Managing Nuisance Wildlife in the Landscape

    manage and live with deer, geese, rabbits, skunks, bats, moles, voles, raccoons, woodchucks, and urban ...

  4. Opioid Epidemic in Ohio – Resources and Related Articles

    Addiction in America What is heroin and how is it used?  – National Institute on Drug Abuse Research Report ...

  5. Ohio Certified Volunteer Naturalist Program- Strategic Planning Session

    program. Identify and discuss issues identified related specifically to volunteer service and management ... service and volunteer management in the OCVN program and other programs (11:15-11:45am) Identification of ... service volunteer management issues/questions (11:40-12pm) Catered lunch (12-12:30pm) Strategic planning ...

  6. See How Holiday Generosity Provides Lasting Impact!

    your donation can benefit scholarships, research, community outreach and other programming, all of ...

  7. What will it be Today: Conflict, Compete, Collaborate?

    conflict with others, or we can choose to allow conflict to make the positive changes within our ... goals of our organization. It's a choice we make, so what will it be today? Participants will: ...

  8. Welcome, new alumni!

    Welcome to our newest alumni: 340 CFAES Spring 2015 graduates. Nearly  290 walked in the ...

  9. Spotlight Fund: The Ohio State Fund for the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences

    research. Recently, this fund supported the World Food Prize Ohio Youth Institute hosted by CFAES, a portion ...

  10. Communiqué October 9, 2013

    vice president, agricultural administration and director, OSU Extension As I continue our series on ... much. When we work less, we get fewer results. As our results diminish, we grow negative. As our ... attitude sours, our self-confidence shrivels even more. And the cycle goes on and on. The good news is that ...
