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Good Agricultural Practices/Produce Safety Class Offered
and the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, the outreach and research arms of the ...
Pesticide Licensing/Certification Testing
Farmers who are applyng restricted-use pesticides need to be licensed applicators. Our website ...
Limited Submission Opportunites
applications that can be submitted by Ohio State investigators. The Ohio State University Office of Research ...
Nutrient Management Plan Writing Workshop
Please RSVP by contacting Jessie Schulze at 419-782-4771 or and provide your name, county, phone number, date, and AM or PM for your arrival. We will accept farmers on a first come, first served basis in the AM (9-12) and PM (12-3). Qu ...
Nutrient Management Plan Writing Workshop
Please RSVP by contacting Jessie Schulze at 419-782-4771 or and provide your name, county, phone number, date, and AM or PM for your arrival. We will accept farmers on a first come, first served basis in the AM (9-12) and PM (12-3). Qu ...
Grant Writing:An Introduction
Dinessa Solomon, Director, Foundation Relations, and Jeff Agnoli, Office of Research. For more funding ...
Team Science and the Role of Research Development Professionals
Federal agencies are increasingly allocating funding to address societal Grand Challenges. Universities understand that mounting successful efforts in response require team science approaches. RA/RD professionals play an essential role in supporting thes ...
OSUE SNAP-Ed Receives $55,000 Grant from Walmart State Giving Program
bags The project is a partnership with the national nonprofit Share Our Strength to implement its ...
Profile- Herms
Projects funded with GDSU assistance: NIFA ♦ $511,868 ♦ Strategies and Tactics for Long-Term Management of ...
Write Winning Grant Proposals
Research. This all-day presentation is the cornerstone of Grant Writers' Seminars and Workshops ...