
Search results

  1. Harmful Algal Blooms

    nutrients (phosphorus and nitrogen) sunlight low-water or low-flow conditions calm water (low-wind ...

  2. Beef Quality Assurance Training

    be coupled with accepted scientific knowledge to raise cattle under optimum management and ...

  3. Pasture-Raised Livestock Beginning Farm Tour

    Service, Ohio State University Extension, their local Soil and Water Conservation District, and the ...

  4. First 2017 Report of Cucumber Downy Mildew in Ohio

    Ontario  yesterday, and is about 8 days earlier than our first Ohio report in 2016. Cucumber and melon ...

  5. Tips to improve study time for our teens

    complete.  Some parents even bring work home with them.  Our teens have lots of sporting activities ... afterschool and they seem to be challenged with how to complete their homework.  Some of our teens catch the ... families have dinner it is time to get our teens focused on studying.  I hope the four tips in this article ...

  6. From Summits to Sustainability: Reaching for High Places, Personally and Professionally

    Sahney, a Michigan native, has five degrees in engineering and management from the University of Michigan ... and MIT. In the past, he has worked for Ford, Boeing and the management consultant firm McKinsey & ... Sustainable and Resilient Economy Discovery Theme, and Energy Management and Sustainability program in the ...

  7. Live Healthy, Live Well Challenge

    containing research-based nutrition, health and fitness tips.  Tracking logs will be available for download ...

  8. Prevent Grass Tetany

    that means looking ahead to spring pasture management.  One aspect that must be considered is taking ... daily temperatures reach at or above 60°F. Other management options that can decrease the risk of grass ...

  9. Contest to Engage the Public About Farming

    while productivity, science and technology have seen great strides in recent decades, our ability to ...

  10. Provide Water to Baby Calves

    calf starter.  Offering water increases starter intake and weight gain.  In a research study that ...
