
Search results

  1. Aquaculture research achievements and impacts 2015

    University of Benha University, and several other international institutions, we accomplished twelve research ... five cultured stocks across the United States and China using eight microsatellite loci.  Our major ... perch daily from the beginning to the eyed stage.  The results were published in Aquaculture Research ...

  2. Research News (July 2017)

    Read the July 2017 edition of Research News, the GDSU monthly newsletter for grant writing tips, ...

  3. Demystifying NSF Grant Applications and Using Fastlane

    proposal submission in Fastlane, so you may learn some of our tips for making sure all the information gets ...

  4. Supporter of Cooperatives Inducted into Ohio Ag HOF

    distinct honor. We are happy to count him as one of our advocates for cooperative business and as a member ...

  5. Grape Flea Beetle

    fully developed, the larvae drop to the soil, burrow one inch or less and pupate. They emerge later as ... caused by Grape Flea Beetle Larvae Management Grape flea beetles are most damaging in the spring when ...

  6. Spotted Wing Drosophila Research Webinar


  7. Introduction to the New PI Portal

    Office of Research staff will provide an overview of the new, redesigned PI Portal, demonstrate ...

  8. SEEDS Presentations- Columbus

    Have questions about SEEDS: The OARDC Research Enhancement Competitive Grants Program? There will ...

  9. SEEDS Presentations- Wooster

    Have questions about SEEDS: The OARDC Research Enhancement Competitive Grants Program? There will ...

  10. SEEDS Presentations- Wooster

    Have questions about SEEDS: The OARDC Research Enhancement Competitive Grants Program? There will ...
