
Search results

  1. Prevention and Treatment of Hairy Heel Warts

    contaminated. There are new footbath systems that manage solutions or allow extended contact time. In ...

  2. A Look at the Pricing Opportunity on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME)

    Class III futures prices. For our example, you can see that the July CME Class III futures price is ...

  3. U.S. Dairy Markets and Policy Update

    pricing, through your cooperative to provide price risk management. Item 5: To participate, you must ...

  4. Energize Ohio Train-the-Trainer Workshop

    Energize Ohio Signature Program addresses the opportunities and challenges through research ...

  5. Dairy Policy and Market Watch,

    Market Price. Emergency hearings to consider re-pooling have been granted and are underway in our sister ...

  6. Health Benefits, Risks, and Regulations of Raw and Pasteurized Milks

    Scientific research has shown that the detrimental effects of pasteurization on the nutritional and ...

  7. Dairy Policy and Milk Marketing

    in our sister orders, Federal Order 30 and Federal Order 32. The proposal period terminated on ...

  8. The Safety of Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I (IGF-I)

    Dr. Normand St-Pierre, Dairy Management Specialist, The Ohio State University Summary The IGF-I in ...

  9. Reviewing Nutrient Costs: 2009 vs. 2008 vs. 2007 Harvest Years

    Dr. Joanne Knapp, Principal Technical Consultant, Fox Hollow Consulting, Columbus, OH (top of page) pdf file The cost of providing NEl (Net Energy of lactation) in dairy rations this harvest year is closely paralleling the 2008-2009 crop year and is subst ...

  10. Dairy Nutrition and Management Conference

