
Search results

  1. Deconstruction of a Speculative Attack on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange Class III Futures Contract

    earned $3,515,800. Now you can see why the speculative or hedge fund managers are paying attention to the ...

  2. Milk and Dairy Product Production Climbs- What's Down the Road for Milk Prices?

    What is also apparent and very important for our outlook on the butter price is the relative position ...

  3. National Animal Identification System for Cattle

    Function As a first and necessary step, all premises on which animals are housed, managed, or held will ...

  4. CD Weekly Wire- February 25, 2013

    for a number of well-established programs throughout Ohio and give great opportunity for many of our ... Applications should address an opportunity or pressing need for applied research and/or new or revised ... embraces human diversity and is committed to ensuring that all research and related educational programs ...

  5. Controlling Flies on Farms

    Management To be successful in controlling flies, it is important that producers implement a control program ...

  6. City of Kent

    Comprehensive Plan. It was the desire of the elected officials in cooperation with the City Manager to create ...

  7. Biobased Materials

    (AMA) division performs research related to materials design, application, conversion, performance and ...

  8. FIC Course Information

    canned foods. Total Quality Management Snack Food Association Provides an understanding of how snacks are ... quality food. Great course for new managers and employees. Ice Cream Manufacturing From safety to ...

  9. Sustainable Water Management in the Great Lakes Region Short Course

    This distance-based short course will be conducted online April 22 through April 30 and will address the impacts of climate change on water resources in the Great Lakes region and watershed-level approaches to community resilience. Participants will gain ...
