
Search results

  1. Retail Resources

    from our pilot plant facilities. Participants will have the opportunity to interact and ask questions ...

  2. Food Safety Graduate Courses

    quantification of biological processes and the integration of research results and knowledge into quantitative ... adulteration and misbranding, compliance/investigations/enforcements, crisis management, recall, Ohio State ... health significant microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, protozoa) from water, air, soil and food, and their ...

  3. Onsite 4-H School and Afterschool Opportunities

    presentations, but it is our belief that extended project-based learning, where a subject can be explored in ... available for purchase at our OSU Extension, Franklin County office.  In the interest of the health and ... (SPIN Clubs):  One of our established program models is the 4-H SPIN Club which generally occurs over ...

  4. Local Foods Week Celebration

    Thank you to our hosts: Clearcreek Country Vineyards, Fairfield County Fairgrounds, Ohio Beef ...

  5. Local Foods Week Celebration

    events and receive a free gift! Thank you to our hosts: Clearcreek Country Vineyards, Fairfield County ...

  6. Emily Niemann

    Associate where she works to deepen our donor experience efforts, especially those related to annual giving. ...

  7. Tree Decline Continues Throughout the County

    symptoms of decline and even death. Yes, unless they are planted in well drained soils, we're ... soil begins to dry. Unfortunately, there's little we can do at this point. The damage has been ... the article that was posted to our County Extension webpage back in July of 2015. *** Mother Nature is ...

  8. Local Foods Week Celebration

    attendees. Attend three events and receive a free gift! Thank you to our hosts: Clearcreek Country ...

  9. Local Foods Week Celebration

    event, limited to the first 100 attendees. Attend three events and receive a free gift! Thank you to our ...

  10. August 2023 CFAES Connect

    Palestine Copy:  The team includes CFAES and OSU Extension staff, scientists, and researchers; and other ...
