
Search results

  1. Graduate Exit Seminar- Hengkang Zhao

    drainage (drained, D vs non-drained, ND) management. Intact soil cores and undisturbed bulk samples were ... soil management particularly in poorly drained soils, and highlight the importance of considering ... Hall 333C or  via Zoom. Hengkang will present, "Temporal Changes of Soil Physical Properties in ...

  2. Graduate Exit Seminar- Jeremy Salvo

    crop yields and decrease nutrient loss compared to free drainage (FD), management of these systems is ... versus Manual Drainage Water Management in Northwest Ohio." Abstract:  Tile drainage is a widely ... used agricultural management practice, currently draining ~55.6 million acres of land in the US and ...

  3. SENR Seminar Series- Unraveling the impacts of anthropogenic hazards to nocturnally-migrating birds

    weather surveillance radar as a research tool to get unprecedented observations of birds migrating at ... night. I will highlight three aspects of my recent research using radar to quantify how nocturnally ... of urban areas throughout the entire US. Our effort to model the stopover distributions of migrating ...

  4. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins, and Comparisons of Feedstuffs Prices

    Science with a minor in dairy cattle management at the University of New Hampshire in spring of 2024. At ... OSU, my research will center around dairy cattle nutrition, with a focus on rumen health. My faculty ... making a total of decrease of $5.72/ton since last year. Nutrient Prices To put Table 1 into greater ...

  5. Footbath Practices for Lameness Prevention

    toxicity. If manure applications are appropriately managed so that other nutrients are applied at crop ... Jason Hartschuh, Assistant Professor, OSU Extension Field Specialist, Dairy Management and ... removable in case a cow goes down in the footbath.  Proper footbath management includes the selection of an ...

  6. B-vitamins Basics in Dairy Cattle Nutrition – Part I

    B-vitamin 101 B-vitamins are water soluble vitamins that are essential nutrients for metabolism of mammals. ... essential to some of our most critical metabolic reactions in the body. Choline is not listed but is often ... these B-vitamins into their milk. One cup of bovine milk can provide approximately 10% of our thiamin ...

  7. Farm Management Workshop

    health of my farm’s balance sheet? Ohio Quarterly Fertilizer Report Enterprise Budgets and Custom Rates ...

  8. Leaving a Legacy Through Transition and Estate Planning

    strategies and tools that can help you transfer your farm’s ownership, management, and assets to the next ...

  9. Ohio Maple Days: A Day for Maple

    syrup grading and visiting with vendors. The afternoon offers talks on managing a timber sale and ...

  10. Interdisciplinary Water Symposium 2024

    exciting water-related research being performed! The symposium will be held on  November 8, 2024,  at the ... students performing water-related research at institutions of higher education in Ohio will have the ... opportunity to present their research in the form of oral presentations, flash talks, or poster presentations. ...
