
Search results

  1. An Assessment of Four Large Scale Timber Market Models

    First, market outlooks are largely a function of exogenous demand growth and timberland management ...

  2. ACEL to Sponsor EXTENSION Africa Conference

    presentations on research topics on food security, extension, and related issues. Conference Sponsors include ...

  3. Whither the WTO?

    Applied Economics Seminar Series. His presentation will focus on his recent research: "Whither the ...

  4. AEDE Faculty and Graduate Students Participate in 2011 NARSC conference in Miami

    Development” by Douglas Wrenn and Elena Irwin.   Post-doctoral researcher, Michael Betz presented “Why do ...

  5. Conflict over Cooperation: Why So Much Disagreement over the Proposed Dairy Market Stabilization Program?

    implemented. The game shows that differing dairy management styles lead to different incentives regarding DMSP ...

  6. Community Leadership Visit Day

    Students interested in educating and leading organizations that help change our community are ...

  7. Livestock Valuation in a Dairy Business

    milk in the world (FAO 2009). The case study describes a disagreement between the management and the ...

  8. Time Is Money: An Empirical Examination of the Dynamic Effects of Regulatory Uncertainty on Residential Subdivision Development

    Douglas Wrenn, Postdoctoral Researcher in the Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and ...

  9. Growth and Change: Closing Ohio's Knowledge Worker Gap to Build a 21st Century Economy

    this transition with a similar transition in the way we educate and retain our workforce. Ohio cannot ...

  10. Paper Competition

    researchers. Two winners were selected for the best paper prize as the chosen submissions were ranked so ...
