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  1. COBA/Select Sires Annual Meeting Series

    Columbus, OH COBA/Select Sires is once again sponsoring a series of Management Seminars during its ...

  2. Wippel holds internship with Ohio Farm Bureau

    also participated in the hiring and will manage 24 staff members tasked with engaging and interacting ...

  3. Management

    reform program in your herd. Managing Debt to Preserve Future Profitability Dianne Shoemaker, Extension ...

  4. Feeding Lower Quality Hay Crop Forages

    milk production. 2. If possible, feed lower quality forages to animals with lower nutrient needs, such ...

  5. 10 Myths about Bedbugs that are Just Crawling with Foolishness

    conducting research and education related to bedbugs for years. Here are some of the most common ... or get your hopes up.  Jones and colleagues have conducted research that shows these foggers or “bug ... our pets!” They fly and jump  -  They don’t.  Bug bedbugs can crawl very fast.  Andy they can hide ...

  6. Citizenship Washington Focus

    the scenes look at our nation’s capital and the chance to meet members of Congress, meet motivational ... a lot of community service activities.  The research studies have shown the following in comparison with ... of academic competence greater desire to go to college All of these attributes will help our youth to ...

  7. Annie Specht Joins ACEL

    Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL).  Annie brings teaching and research experiences that will complement and enhance ACEL’s ... commitment to excellence in teaching, research, and outreach.” Her primary research interests are in the ...

  8. Archery Project Workshop

    The Hardin County OSU Extension Office cordially invites you to our first summer season of ... may also be used as a learning activity to record in your project book! Our records show that you have ...

  9. Sheep & Goat Webinar

    Tips for Managing Major Sheep and Goat Diseases:  OPP, CAE, Caseous Lymphadenitis, Johnes, Scrapie ...

  10. Economics of Dairy Production in Ohio

    Dr. Don Breece, Farm Management Specialist, OSU Extension Analysis of dairy enterprises found in ... supported by the Center for Farm Financial Management, University of Minnesota. It is designed to help ... production management, and marketing that separates the most profitable from the average operations. Table ...
