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Ethylene dibromide
When soil and climatic conditions are favorable, EDB may get into drinking water by runoff into surface ...
New Year’s Resolution
in our hearts for him! You know the effort that goes into developing a new relationship? You are on ...
ENR 4000 Environmental and Natural Resources Policy
Resources for finding information on legal topics: Research by topic: Opposing Viewpoints ...
Mill Creek Watershed Partnership
has obtained a ODNR Coastal Management Assistance Grant to develop a comprehensive community ... Storm water Management Facility in Warrenville Heights, Ohio, by all watershed communities. 04110002 ...
Beaver Creek Wetlands Association
forests and prairies. BCWA promotes the use of these protected areas for education, research and ...
Maumee RAP
Ohio requirements for a watershed action plan, with attention to the nonpoint source management ... measures of the Ohio Coastal Management Plan, and consideration of TMDL and Natural Resource Damage ...
U. S. Rep. Bob Gibbs '74 to speak at 40th Commencement
the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center in Wooster before venturing out on his own as ...
Extension Emergency Policy and Operations
impact on agriculture, such as farm facilities, food, feed, seed, and fertilizer processing and storage ... facilities, crop and livestock losses, and soil contamination. This information should be relayed to the ... danger, and soil contamination. Additionally, the USDA County Emergency Boards may be called upon to ...
Strengthening Families over Dinner
help strengthen families. Years of research has found that the more children eat dinner with their ... Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University in a research survey of teens and parents found that, ... a half times likelier to have tried alcohol CASA research shows teens are at a greater risk of substance ...
Resources for Managing Agricultural Employee Safety
the agricultural workplace and managing safety compliance issues. OSU Ag Safety and Health has also ...