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  1. Janini Appointed Interim Director of Ohio State ATI

    momentum we have as a result of the work of our present director.”   Writer(s):  Mauricio Espinoza ...

  2. Lesson Plans

    workshop the research team presented the student knowledge gaps pertaining to stream and watershed.  These ... How do energy and/or nutrients flow in the watershed? Class:  AP Environmental Science Grade:  11-12 ...

  3. Picloram

    major source of picloram in drinking water is herbicide runoff. Picloram does not adhere to soil and has ...

  4. Hendrick Headed for His Alma Mater as Dean

    Ohio State’s Agricultural Technical Institute and a unification of the college’s research activities ...

  5. Alumni Magazine Article: Trees contribute mightily to campus environment

    The November-December issue of the Ohio State Alumni Magazine recognizes the value of trees on our ...

  6. OARDC scientists working to fight new deadly U.S. swine disease

    Food animal health researchers with CFAES are looking for a unique way to test for and trace the ... Professor in the Food Animal Health Research Program, part of OARDC. "This is very important in this ...

  7. Communications and Technology reorganization takes effect

    In October, we announced a series of steps that are being implemented to reorganize and align our ...

  8. ODNR Scenic Rivers

    Bob Gable Scenic Rivers Program Manager 2045 Morse Road, A-3 Columbus, OH 43229 (614) 265-6814 ...

  9. Gurd Assumes Leadership Role for CFAES Advancement

    opportunities to meet more of our college alumni and friends.” Alumni may be familiar with Gurd, who most ...

  10. Expanded Ohio State, CFAES brand guidelines now available

    brochures, flyers, postcards, PowerPoints, and research posters. You will also find links to university brand ...
