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  1. Using Local Woodlot Lumber

    shelter, fire, and in war, making wood an integral part of our civilization. We use wood because it is easy ...

  2. Growing Apples in the Home Orchard

    pruning, fertilization and pest management. Without sufficient and proper care for apple trees, fruit ... considerable knowledge about cultivar selection, planting site, soil types, planting techniques, training, ... Nonresistant cultivars can be successfully grown in home orchards if an effective disease-management program is ...

  3. Ohio Private Pesticide Applicator License Requirements: Who Needs a License and What Steps to Take

    Agricultural Fertilizer? Agricultural fertilizer applicator certification is separate from pesticide applicator ... licensing. Information regarding fertilizer certification is available at or by ... soil, grain storage, greenhouse, or any other confined areas. Stored Grain Student Workbook (OSU ...

  4. Sudden Death Syndrome of Soybean

    often found in the most compacted areas, such as field edges and lanes. For clay soils, research has ... a soil-borne pathogen and, once present in a field, can be easily spread with soil movement. Initial infections ... which can survive in fields for years. SDS Management Later Planting Dates SDS is most severe when ...

  5. Gray Leaf Spot on Turfgrass

    stress should be used for gray leaf spot management. Fertility. Adequate nitrogen fertility is ... plants. The overall appearance often resembles severe drought stress, but if soil moisture is checked, the ... test will show that the soil has adequate water. Severe outbreaks look as if the turfgrass was scorched ...

  6. Developing a Farm Digital Strategy 2 – Precision Technology and Data Generation

    soil fertility, pesticides applied, fertilizer applied, scouting information, and more. Data generated ... and other technologies work collaboratively to provide farmers with details about soil nutrients ... machinery easily. Furthermore, original equipment managers (OEMs), agriculture technology providers (ATPs), ...

  7. Selecting Hydrangeas for the Home Landscape

    Bigleaf hydrangeas tend to have heavy nutrient needs, so a balanced fertilizer will ensure proper growth ... shade limits flowers. Soils and Fertilization pH range 5.0–7.5 Higher organic matter, well drained Well ... not enough room or local research experience to list them properly. There are too many new hydrangeas ...

  8. Blackberry Production Systems in Ohio Acknowledgments Our sincere appreciation goes to the Ohio Department of Agriculture and USDA ... Extension M. Ryan Slaughter; Research Assistant II; College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental ... research their marketing options before committing to a large investment for the RCA system. Here are the ...

  9. Predators of Poultry

    managed. Commercial poultry producers maintain flocks within buildings for their entire production cycle. ...

  10. Getting the Most Return From Your Timber Sale

    marketing timber. In addition, by following management guidelines in selecting those trees to be harvested ... management or timber marketing, seek the assistance of a professional forester. The Ohio Department of ... management and marketing assistance to private woodland owners. In addition, there are several consulting ...
