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  1. CD Wire- April 5, 2021

    professionals conducted over 760 educational events while reaching almost 74,000 program participants. Our ... 15 from 9:30- noon Please continue to hold April 15 for our virtual spring CD in-service via Zoom. If ... mid-career? Tips for retiring the way YOU want- Brian Raison Corporate Research Engagement 101: The Basics- ...

  2. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    April Frye White, Graduate Research Associate, Department of Animal Sciences, The Ohio State ... that of May at $24.23/cwt, followed by $22.84/cwt in August. Nutrient prices When comparing the prices ... in Table 1 to the 5-year averages, the current prices of nutrients are good. The price of NE L is ...

  3. CD Wire- September 8, 2020

    life for our citizens in this great state. Thank you for your patience as we navigate our ‘new’ normal, ... and I can’t wait to see what our future holds. Congratulations Congratulations to Meghan Thoreau. ... your colleagues. Meet Sarah Orlando- Clean Marinas Program Manager, The Ohio Sea Grant College Program  ...

  4. Using Manure with Growing Crops

    manure to a growing crop allows the farmer to capture more of the manure's nutrients and potentially ... save on purchased fertilizer. The OSU Extension has applied swine manure to growing crops on several ... research plots in recent years in an attempt to make maximum use of the available nitrogen. In addition to ...

  5. CD Wire- November 18, 2019

    our three missions of teaching, research, and Extension to bring the knowledge and resources of The ... and why soil matters to Ohio’s conservation community from our state conservationist, Terry Cosby. ... today than at possibly any other time in our more than 100-year history. Our ability to braid together ...

  6. Over-the-Counter Antibiotics Will Require Veterinary Oversight (Rx) Beginning in June of 2023

    antimicrobials in animals within our community and food supply. This process is driven by the concept that ...

  7. Introduction of Dr. Luis Moraes, A New Faculty Member at Ohio State

    lactating cattle. At OSU, his research plans are to develop mathematical models that incorporate nutrient ... University on December 15, 2016. He grew up in Brazil where his family owns and manages a beef cattle ... California-Davis. He worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the UC Davis in the Department of Animal Science until ...

  8. What Are Your Bedding Options- is $100/ton Straw an Option?

    rye straw are 1 ½ to 2 tons per acre; it is recommended that you do not use spring nitrogen fertilizer ... a great bedding source but also removes coverage that helps prevent winter soil erosion. One option for ... this may be to bale the residue and then plant a cover crop to protect the soil from erosion and ...

  9. Key Mastitis Control Points for Best Milk Quality

    cells per mL. Research studies have shown that milk SCC of equal or more than 200,000 per mL is ... soil on the teats, and counts higher than 100 cfu/mL usually indicate poor milking practices, dirty ... clean water promotes normal rumen function, high feed intake, digestion, and nutrient absorption- ...

  10. Update to the OARDC Feed Energy Equation

    been made since then, but our lab is in the process of making a major update to the equation. Because ... the equation is summative, an equation component for one nutrient can be changed without affecting the ... (Mcal/lb) = 0.015*((NDF-Lignin)*(1-[(Lignin/NDF) 0.667])) where all nutrients are entered as % of DM. Those ...
