
Search results

  1. Corn Silage Pricing

    Jason Hartschuh, Assistant Professor, OSU Extension Field Specialist, Dairy Management and ... for the variable costs (seed, fertilizer, chemicals, machinery, labor, insurance, etc.) and fixed ... $550/acre and fixed land, labor, and management costs at $444/acre for a total cost of $994/acre to grow and ...

  2. Ohio State to host Manure Science Review in August

    London, Ohio.   Aimed at farmers, crop consultants, soil conservation workers and others, the Manure ... State, ODA, and 360 Yield Center, demonstrating in-season animal nutrient and water application as ... a unified strategy to reduce nutrient losses while improving profitability with increased grain yields. The ...

  3. IT upgrade

    200 (Wooster) John Callender IT Asset Management Specialist LJ Wednesday, July 31, 2024- 8:00am to ...

  4. ODA Sponsoring Chance To Dispose Of Unwanted Pesticides

    problem diagnosis. This session is invaluable for anyone involved in plant health management. Hands-On ... gain practical insights into managing plant health, identifying insects, and spotting plant pathogens ...

  5. Use Tools To Help Prepare For Pest Damage To Fields, Crops

    observation is consistent with our current standing for accumulated Growing Degree Days. The growing degree ... vary for different organisms and is determined through research and experimentation. In Ohio, we have ... happening versus what you are seeing. As of writing this article, our accumulated GDD count sits at 931, ...

  6. Livestock Can't Take The Heat- Ways To Cool Them Down

    issues for our livestock. We will often hear the weathermen report the actual temperature and the ... livestock When we consider that our ruminant livestock (cattle, sheep, goats, etc.) have a heat generating ... extreme caution needs to be taken for our livestock. The emergency level can be reached at a temperature ...

  7. Drought Stress Can Put Weeds Into Overdrive- Tips On Herbicide Use

    and overall status, which means there are also different weed management activities taking place over ... the next month. There are some considerations to keep in mind as we aim to manage weeds when ... Without some sort of incorporation or activating rainfall, the product does not enter the soil solution ...

  8. Karen M. Mancl

    University MA, Public Policy and Management, The Ohio State University Rural environmental issues in US and ...

  9. Sustainability Series III: What is the Deal with These Carbon Markets?

    marketplaces. There are 3 rd parties who provide verification and review the scientific research for new carbon ... this may change with time. What is the bottom line? The main thing to be conscious of is that our dairy ...

  10. Now That Wheat Is Down, What's Next? Some Ideas For Fields

    the best choice that fits your management style and needs.  Virtually all of the potential crops will ... aware of.  First, the Richland County Soil and Water office will be hosting a grazing school on July 23 ... discussing pasture management, remote sensing for estimating forage growth, and water/feed use efficiency.  ...
